I am a Student. And that’s my most valuable skill.

I won’t tell you who you are, what’s best for you, or how you work. But I am really curious to find out. In our work together i’ll be a student of you. Together we will be learning stuff that you don’t yet know about yourself. And it’s in that journey that you will be closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

You don’t need many special tricks, hacks, or spiritual juggles to close this gap. In fact these are often just distractions from the difficulty of knowing who you are, what you want, and how to change your behavior. And those are what I am the most curious to learn about with you. When your inner truth informs your behavior you’re set to have a specially tailored life, the best life for you, and to not blow yourself up on the way.

Does my background matter?

Not really. Because the best evidence you can get proving that working with me will work for you, is to get on an exploration call. Try for yourself. It’s free.

But if you still want to know…

For as long as I can remember I’ve been curious about our human experience. I traveled the world for a few years, spending months at a time in meditation centers, doing intensive programs and studying the nature of mind and of our human experience.

I taught meditation and offered a deeper look at the experience of being human to school teachers, psychologists and therapists, helping them teach meditation to children.

I’ve been mentoring professionally for 3 years, helping people go through quantum leaps towards their joy, relaxation, and a confident experience of being alive, often creating massive improvements in their relationships and intimacy, their sense of purpose, and their healing journey.

No map other than your own, will take you to your correct destination.